What employees say...
"What I appreciate about working for Sample Supports is the opportunity to meet and work with an amazing team who always has each others back".
-Victoria, Direct Support Professional, Less than 1 year
"This training experience has been the best experience I have ever had at a job. I have never felt so prepared for a role or welcomed to an organization!"
-Sarah, Residential Coordinator, Less than 1 year
"My supervisor is great. She is awesome and I can go to her with anything".
-Anna, Payroll Coordinator, 3 years
"My supervisor supports my professional goals by extending regular opportunities to move up within the company".
-Austin, Boulder County Supported Employment, 7 years
"The IDD population is critically under valued and working within the population is eye opening as to how wonderful a community it is".
-Brady, Boulder County Residential Coordinator, Over one year
"What makes me feel happiest at work is seeing a client's face light up when they see me".
-Kristen, Boulder County Residential Coordinator, Over one year