What is Day Program?
Through Colorado Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program agencies offer a wide array of Day Program services. Day Program options allow individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities to gain access to their community in a structured manner to increase skills and develop relationships. Types of Day Program There are two main types of day program options in Colorado on the SLS and DD HCBS waivers- Specialized Habilitation and Supported Community Connections. Individuals on the SLS and DD waivers may choose which option best fits their needs and goals. Specialized Habilitation Specialized Habilitation is often identified as a site-based day program. In Specialized Habilitation, individuals attend a day program at a location and engage in learning based activities. These activities may vary from program to program, but often individuals engage in group based learning activities. These activities are individual centered to develop specific skills. Specialized Habilitation programs may include classes or activities such as art, cooking, money management and other activities of daily living. Supported Community Connections Supported Community Connections is often identified as a community based day program. In Supported Community Connections, individuals attend activities with a group of peers in the community. The main purpose of Supported Community Connections is to help individuals develop meaningful connections within their community. Through structured activities, staff support individuals to engage with their communities and increase their connections with others. Supported Community Connection programs may include structured activities in the community such as volunteering, bowling, community classes or other classes to build an individual’s skills and meaningful connections. Sample Supports Day Program Sample Supports offers Supported Community Connections Day Program options in Longmont, Loveland, Fort Collins and Denver. Our structured programming offers individuals opportunities to connect with peers, community members and gain meaningful life experiences. Sample Supports offers structured day program opportunities with skills and trained staff. Our mission is to support individuals with all skill levels to increase independence, decrease problem behavior and ensure each individual has access to their community.
January 2025