This question is at the forefront of everyone’s mind when the option for disability services are presented to people. There are a few steps that have to happen in Colorado.
Step 1: Become eligible through your local Community Center Board (CCB): CCB’s provide case management services for those receiving disability services. CCBs are determined by region and county of residence; you can see which CCB covers your region here: Community Center Boards. Once you meet with your CCB you will complete paperwork and go through the intake assessments. From there you will receive confirmation of enrollment typically within 1 to 3 months of beginning the intake process. Step 2: Enroll in a HCBS Waiver: Your next step is enrolling in a HCBS waiver, in Colorado Many waivers may have a waitlist. Options for immediate enrollment are the Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES) and the Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver. In crisis or emergency situations there are processes to bypass the waitlist to be placed on the Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP) or the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD). You can learn more information about the waivers here: Programs for Individuals with Physical or Developmental Disabilities. Step 3: Choose a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA): After you have enrolled in a waiver you will meet with your newly assigned case manager to start the request for proposal (RFP) process. Individuals are able to send out a detailed request for the services they are looking for to meet their needs. PASAs (service agencies) will reply with their ability to meet the needs of the proposal. Individuals can then interview providers who responded to make an informed choice about who they would like to work with. They can work with different agencies for different services. There is no requirement to choose only one agency! For more information about available PASA’s you can visit: PASAs of Colorado. Step 4: Start Services! The last step is starting services! Finding the best fit agency for the services you want may take some time, but regular communication with your case manager can help tailor the right fit for you. We invite you to learn more about Sample Supports!
January 2025